Lotrimin Dermatitis My Balls Itch And Sweat Really Bad, Especially While I’m In Bed, Is It Ok To Spray Antiperspirant On Them?

My balls itch and sweat really bad, especially while I'm in bed, is it ok to spray antiperspirant on them? - lotrimin dermatitis

I have tried everything to Lotrimin Ultra Cream, Gold Bond, Jock itch spray, spray hydrocortisone creams.

I think some syringes, right guard unscented antiperspirant can leave the sweat is the main factor of irritation and itching.

I also had the pharmacist Domeboro to the cause and the main component is aluminum sulfate.
Burow is to relieve irritation due to minor skin infections and dermatitis.
I also notice that the main component of the Right Guard is the aluminum chlorohydrate


jloertsc... said...

Burow ....... I remember doing myself. Used as a dip in general. They thought I was going to "pack"? I have to laugh, can only imagine.

Hem, after you try, Right Guard, and the woman are not ...... .... ..... happened in the night.

However, you may want to consult a dermatologist before the hour

Sax M said...

To wear boxers. I think that the things we are well lit.

John B said...

Use baby powder

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