Interview Tips Credit Suisse I Am A Waitress And Got Told I Have To Pool My Tips,and Also Do Not Get Credit Card Tips,can I Refuse This.?

I am a waitress and got told i have to pool my tips,and also do not get credit card tips,can i refuse this.? - interview tips credit suisse

Hello please can someone put the light on I havent been a waitress for a long time, I live in the United Kingdom, and began its work in this charming restaurant, but the problem is in my interview, my boss told me that I do a lot gr8 tips here so I took to earn the job, then when I started my first night I said I have to share / pool my tips and advice that I received my credit card will buy bits for the restaurant, such as flowers, etc., But then I found more customers were very generous with advice from credit cards and everything that came out Friday with a two-shift operation, the same 10 pounds on Saturday has to make matters worse, the boy who was working with another tip in place of 7 species of Table I the whole night through INB poound pocket, if that was the end of the night in the pool tin as the only currency that will 40pnd my own money I had with three other people, let alone the boy who left early in my 7pnd I Can I refuse to back the pool and 7 required books with the tip of my credit cards, pls help, thank you


bergice said...

I cook, I think it should have in a different restaurant every place has its own rules to work, but I wouldnt wait on tables, under these conditions, so the restaurant's insurance consulting credit card no money your flight is light and easy to get to peace old hippie Click here

Bill S said...

Wow, that's a long sentence.

Nobody forces you to work.

hummingb... said...

Yes, it's bullshit to call the Better Business Bureau

intoxa d said...

There are simply out of the car, the top of your credit card that belongs to you, if your administrator reserves is a robbery in front of them, if first.there not to your liking, and find another place of inspection rules, turning many good places to work do not think you should consider that the judgments of waiting are 100% personal service knowing that they are opinions about everything, have used stocks.

hgf said...

Working at Hooters received many tips

peanutbu... said...

I was a hotel and has lots of tips received during my employment. You can send us your tips if you shares, but if the director has already confirmed that you can have your tips for you, so keep it to yourself. Or you can receive 30% share of the members of his colleagues, if you are willing to a.
Do not let others take their advice and we need to avoid special attention to the table that you serve.

Refer to your letter of appointment, make sure that states, "the councils are shared. Is not this statement in his letter of appointment for employment, means that all tips are yours!

Paper records must be created for their advice on credit cards and jobs! Write down all the tips received from credit card to ensure that all are his. To be generous, here you can donate 20 or 30% of their tips to their colleagues or to a restaurant to buy flowers. You will be loved by his colleagues to be convinced!

harrowga... said...

About credit card fraud, kiss. In the United States could have problems. I want to find another job, and then somehow screw

some places have in common is their suggestions and can help with a great staff, working from each other.

a_rivers... said...

Hmmm, sounds like that is bad on many levels. Firstly, I can see to help tip the bus person, or the boy, but as far as the tip pooling should be done. I'm not a waitress, but as a customer, I found that some boys do not have much value for tips, and some are worth more points than usual. I do not want a big boy / waitress and was on the advice I think I deserve to share!
I also think it's a big lie that their advice will help credit card to buy flowers and other must go. If I pay a tip on a credit card, I want to make sure that the money will help to deal with living expenses. If the restaurant is very nice and the prices are set to support these costs. To take your money, is like stealing.
I do not know if you back something for their money, but I think to work elsewhere.

a_rivers... said...

Hmmm, sounds like that is bad on many levels. Firstly, I can see to help tip the bus person, or the boy, but as far as the tip pooling should be done. I'm not a waitress, but as a customer, I found that some boys do not have much value for tips, and some are worth more points than usual. I do not want a big boy / waitress and was on the advice I think I deserve to share!
I also think it's a big lie that their advice will help credit card to buy flowers and other must go. If I pay a tip on a credit card, I want to make sure that the money will help to deal with living expenses. If the restaurant is very nice and the prices are set to support these costs. To take your money, is like stealing.
I do not know if you back something for their money, but I think to work elsewhere.

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