Purple Light Bars Anything Wrong With My Navel Peircing?

Anything wrong with my navel peircing? - purple light bars

I had 11 months. But .......... In the long bar, which are the two weights in the skin is bright purple, but only in the area that is in the bar on the skin, not the entire peircing or nothing. It Bleed 3 days ago on my phone, but only for a second.
It does not hurt when I move or not to stretch just when my back. But why is the skin, where only the bar is like purple and it looks as if it is dry?

--- Remove more if I have it, as I take it off, I never changed - to make money or at the bar and in what sense?
And .. If you need to remove it, then I have the piercing in the same round, the same day?

Thank you!


cherrybo... said...

Even if after all your care your navel piercing is infected then you still need to addressed immediately and seriously.

- The first thing you think to do is to remove the belly ring. But if the umbilical fungus, you DO NOT remove the navel ring. If the ring is removed, the hole was closed and the pus can not drain properly. This can lead to painful abscesses.

An abscess is a type of skin infection among prisoners. Symptoms of an abscess are pain, swelling and darkening and hardening of the tissue around the piercing. An abscess can usually be treated with oral antibiotics, but can in some cases, surgical removal is required.

Sometimes an abscess forms May can, even if it is infected navel ring is not removed, especially if the piercing is very swollen or the belly ring is very tight around the piercing. In this case, you should have your navel ring and use to change a thinner, with a gauge.

- To increase blood circulation to the pierced navel, and thus the infectionin flight, used a hot compress. Soak the piercing in warm salt water is also very useful. Use 1 teaspoon of salt in 8 ounces of water. (Epsom salts can not be used because they are not the same as sea salt or table). The container used for soaking should be disinfected. Warm compresses should be disposable and preferably clean disposable materials such as cotton and gauge bandages.

- Over-the-counter antiseptic creams can be found in the treatment of mild infection may be used. But this should not be used for an extended period or for a stab wound.

- Hydrogen peroxide can be used to make in order to drain pus and remove the infection around the navel ring. Not for the embargo on the aftercare.

- (In the case of a systemic infection when) the spread of bacteria and toxins in the body through the bloodstream, the treatment should be immediately because this type of infection can be fatal. Standard treatment consists of antibiotics, oral and intravenous administration.

Any infection that will not disappear in a few days, or an abscess should shoWN, a medical certificate. In some cases, the infection can be cured and the piercing is very good. Can be concluded, in other cases by infection through the hole, and you should get another piercing in the file. This does not mean you can never be a navel ring. It simply means that you need for your navel, to heal and try again. At the end is worth it!

PS One or two screws on the ball, they try ...

Ripcity3... said...

The best thing to do is to return to the place you have and ask them. You can probably a little cream, and show them how. It is probably time for a new bar

lady said...

must also be something that is pop have just reached the last four days. (Sea water) is clean and have to move so they do not prevent you and a silver bullet, and he can again, if this dose does not improve soon I would call a doctor or used the site. Keep it clean!

Stariebe... said...

Your piercing is infected, not so much twist, apparently.
You need to rotate from time to time.
You have to take it and put peroxide on the bar.
Then use the drill to clean, that your first time you used your piercings every day for a week.
I would not do to lock up - it took more than a year.
Then, when the purple disappears when the infection is gone, and can be challenged
But you must rotate and move it occasionally or it will again be infected.

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