Inside The Vigina My Three Year Old Daughter Has A Rash Inside Her Vigina What Should I Do?

My three year old daughter has a rash inside her vigina what should i do? - inside the vigina

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Gerald H said...

Why do you ask your question twice in a row. It is a waste of YA.

Take her to the doctor ... You have seen, you should regularly by a pediatrician or family doctor. Your doctor may need to see and give you a prescription. Do not hesitate ... saw them on Monday.

Gerald H said...

Why do you ask your question twice in a row. It is a waste of YA.

Take her to the doctor ... You have seen, you should regularly by a pediatrician or family doctor. Your doctor may need to see and give you a prescription. Do not hesitate ... saw them on Monday.

jenna said...

It could be caused by several things, but you should see a doctor Sleeve is a yeast infection ... treated with a prescription ointment must. I use Aquaphor and dr. Smith on the non-yeast rash ... You can try until you see the doctor. In addition, baking soda bath will help relieve, pain. Try 2 tablespoons in a shallow bath:) Hope it helps!

love my kids! said...

OK, these people are crazy to ask questions like "How do you know .... parents are obviously not good ... definitely check out my daughter when it comes to bathroom and when I change something, if not, I know ... You must not take a doctor to make sure that nobody touched her the wrong way .. my lil cousin who came to 8 years old and his mother, he discovered foundled began to bleed down there .... and what you should be very careful with these things .... they adopt in the doc

oui-oui said...

Washing and the use of zinc ointment, the word, I doubt that you can actually see the inside of. However, if the urine must be washed and put an ointment with zinc. Then when it starts to improve, just use baby powder

Manson said...

With the word vagina to her daughters private part of the network, where people are nasty to describe, to start, it's ridiculous ..... There are many other words to use, so hard that Arent
For example, the private =
Just bring your daughter immediately

Canadian... said...

A type of bacteria, could you have there, maybe not here or there to wash or something, but Deffinatly bring him to the doctor.

Lady Di said...

Could be a fungal infection. Take her to her pediatrician.

Lady Di said...

Could be a fungal infection. Take her to her pediatrician.

Elly said...

Try a diaper rash cream, but I would say that you should take a Docter.

Elly said...

Try a diaper rash cream, but I would say that you should take a Docter.

stratus_... said...

Hmm .......... I wonder if Uncle -------- importune .......... mil y'all can thumbs down me ... So, what ........ ..... Take your daughter to a freakin doctor.

Felix T. Cat said...

Inside? or just her? Take him to a doctor.

E-man said...

Wher ummmm u look into the vagina?

lisa.jay... said...

It could be an infection of the water, I think you should consult your doctor

lisa.jay... said...

It could be an infection of the water, I think you should consult your doctor

Cat Meow said...

Take her to a doctor.

#^ said...

The exterior of the PC and the doctor ... duh

guinsays... said...

How do you know?

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